Spectator Healthcare Projects
28. April 2021
Spectator Healthcare Technology
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Unimed Pelotas launches Digital Health Food Reeducation Program to Control Obesity

Unimed Pelotas Núcleo de Atenção Integral à Saúde (NAIS) initiates its digital health strategy for remote care of chronic patients, based on the Food Reeducation Program for Control Obesity.

Brazil, 28 April 2021 - According to data from the Ministry of Health released in April 2020, the result of the Vigitel 2019 survey (Surveillance of Risk and Protection Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey), since the beginning of monitoring in 2006, the biggest increase is that of obesity, which jumped from 11.8% to 20.3% in 2019. 

When considering overweight, 55.4% of Brazilians are in this situation. Because obesity is a risk factor for a number of diseases, the Unimed Pelotas Núcleo de Atenção Integral à Saúde (NAIS) initiates its digital health strategy for remote care of chronic patients, based on the Food Reeducation Program for Control Obesity. For the proposal of remote connection with the patient, the program has the fully customized BiDiApp application from Spectator Healthcare Technology as “Conexão Unimed” mobile health, available in Google Play and App Store, as a benefit granted by Unimed Pelotas / RS to its participating beneficiaries who have an index of body mass (BMI) from 30, aiming at their well-being, health and quality of life. 

“Now, in addition to our team of professionals in nursing, physical education, nutrition and psychology, NAIS will be able to rely on the Spectator Healthcare platform to manage the health of obese patients, collaborating with improving their quality of life, from dietary reeducation, since obesity is a risk factor for a number of diseases ”(Rejane Ortiz Radunz - NAIS Supervisor). 

The NAIS multi professional team accompanies the beneficiaries who accept the program's proposal and, consequently, accept to participate in it through projects and actions, information, evidence of health education based on evidence and empowerment of self-care using the application technology. 

Conexão Unimed mobile heath application as an ally. Using the Conexão Unimed app, the beneficiary posts his health history on the Spectator platform. From the clinical history data that was informed by the beneficiary, the NAIS team elaborates a specific care plan for him, adapted to his identified health needs, in order to improve his clinical condition, as reflected in the gain of quality of life for their well-being on a daily basis. The program accompanies the beneficiary until he has achieved a reduction in his BMI, as well as the goals that were agreed between him and the NAIS team and that are set out in his care plan.

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