Tele-Assistance room

Spectator Tele-Assistance-Room

The Spectator Tele-Assistance Room (TAR) for patient registration, remote monitoring and video- teleconsultation can be implemented in the form of a fully furnished cabinet or care room. The medical call centre solution includes functionalities such as chat, video consult and remote monitoring of vital data measurements with a wide range of integrated wireless biosensors connected to the Spectator Telehealth platform.

Elderly and Nursery homes

Lack of mobility in certain groups of dependents forces them to spend a lot of time at home or in a elderly/ nursery home. In many cases, this limitation makes these people to stay most of the time in a specific room such as the bedroom or living room. 

In order to monitor their health on a frequent basis, Spectator offers the Tele-Assistance Room. Via one or more monitors the client has access to the user interface for a complete Tele-Assistance system.
Aside remote monitoring of a wide range of vital signs, the Telehealth platform enables threshold alarming and intelligent adaptation of services and interfaces according to the level and type of disability. Amongst others centralized control of home automation devices installed at home, such as a fire alarm or door opening functionality. 

Virtual healthcare access for rural communities

The Spectator Tele-Assistance Room can be a cost-effective and powerful tool to improve healthcare for rural areas and communities. While healthcare ranks among the top challenges facing rural communities today due to provider shortages, long travel distances, and lack of easy access to hospitals, the Spectator Tele-Assistance Room can help build connectivity and bridge the rural-urban health divide.

In case no smartphone or tablet is available and the area is lacking a IP infrastructure (Wifi, 3G, 4G, 5G), the Spectator Tele-Assistance Room can be of service. It enables remote support for small surgeries or local treatments, even at the most remote areas. As the connection can be made available over radio frequency and satellite, the solution is suitable for local clinics, medical hubs or community buildings in remote and rural areas.