Spectator Healthcare Projects
14. March 2022
Spectator Healthcare Technology
Spectator Blog Healthcare

The growing need for home health care for the elderly

Yesterday the National online closing ceremony of the Slimme Zorg Estafette 2022 took place, after a month full of inspiring sessions and presentations of innovation technologies for the healthcare market in the Netherlands.

With a clear vision on the future of healthcare, Spectator Healthcare Technology organized an online presentation including demo of the Spectator Telehealth Platform and the BiDiApp showing essential features for self-awareness, self-assessment, positive health & prevention, safe care and remote monitoring.

Stated by the World Health Organization (WHO), the 60+ population, which reached 1 billion individuals in 2019, is expected to increase by 34% to 1.4 billion by 2030. The number of older people worldwide over the age of 60 is even expected to double to 1.5B by 2050, according to the UN report, the World Population Prospect. By the year 2025, nearly 75% of this elderly population will live in developing countries, which already have overburdened health care systems.

These significant #demographic changes require global attention to improve positive and preventive health as well as self-management and (home) care technology for the elderly population. In addition, every older person needs care, regardless of his or her socioeconomic level. Therefore, communities will need to be ready to meet the care needs of the elderly with the help of efficient and affordable solutions.

The Spectator Telehealth Platform and the BiDiapp provide effective secure communication and ensure optimal results with a strategic implementation method. If health needs are not met today, they can become a costly problem tomorrow.

Since the elderly are more likely to have chronic diseases, physical disabilities, mental illnesses or co-morbidities, a multifaceted approach is required to enable active collaboration of care systems across health care sectors. Healthcare organizations, institutions and health insurers will need to collaborate with a clear focus on awareness, early recognition of signs/symptoms of common geriatric problems as well as the need for periodic health assessments for early detection of conditions.  

Spectator enables the provision of quality remote care with a multidisciplinary and interoperable Telehealth solution. The Spectator state-of-the-art Telehealth solution combines strengthening health initiatives with innovative technology and research and implementation methods. A scalable solution for all users (client, patient, or healthcare provider) with intelligent action plans, the automated workflow engine, to embed procedures or protocols to guarantee quality-of-service. The connected BiDiApp contains self-awareness/self-assessment tools and evidence-based medical information of a.o. Elsevier to enhance self-management. Aside, patients can easily upload data of biosensor measurements, send in answers to questionnaires, start a chat or consult a specialist via a video call.

Spectator offers the total Telehealth-as-a-Service business (“TaaS”) model based on long-term partnership agreement without initial investments.


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